Give examples. What is rRNA? What is its function? List the functions of DNA. (a) Give one example of a chromosome disorder. (b) Give one example of a sexually transmitted disease. What is an example of a unicellular gland? How is information stored in a DNA molecule? What is the ...
Biology is the study of living things (bio=life). It is a branch of science that includes all living organisms on Earth, which are the many different... Learn more about this topic: Biology | Definition, Concepts & Fields from Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 ...
There are several different examples of pinocytosis being used among cells. One example occurs in the microvilli of the small intestine. The microvilli are able to absorb nutrients from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. Another example is that unicellular organisms such as amoeba, are able ...
What is a euglena? What are examples of unicellular organisms? What is unicellular and heterotrophic amoeba paramecium algae? Which organism is not photoautotrophic: protist, monera, or fungi? What kind of organism comes last in every food chain?
For example, a unicellular eukaryotic (a cell with an encased nucleus inside it) organism Paramecium bursaria serves as a host to eukaryotic Chlorella algae cells. The alga produces energy via the photosynthesis process, and the paramecium benefits as it receives some of that energy or food. ...
The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology. Robert Hooke was the first Biologist who discovered cells. All organisms are made up of cells. They may be made up of a single cell (unicellular), or many cells (multicellular). ...
What is parasitism? Give some examples. Describe a keystone species and give multiple examples. What are structural diversity of -sitosterol and its analogues. What are some examples of unicellular species using cooperativity to enhance their survival? What are insectivorous plants? Give an example. ...
What is an example of Nanoplankton? Nekton are actively swimming organisms and so can to a certain extent migrate in the horizontal plane; examples includesquid, fish, and some crustaceans. Phytoplankton, marine plants, are primarily unicellular and responsible for primary production. They are the ...
microbes are minute, unicellular organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. they are also known as microorganisms or microscopic organisms as they could only be seen under a microscope. they make up almost 60% of the earth’s living matter. the term “microbes” is used to describe ...
uniform, unite, unicellular up- upward or higher upgrade, upwind, update with- moving away from or resisting withdrawal, withhold, withstand Prefixes FAQs What are prefixes? Prefixes are short one- to three-syllable additions that are attached to the beginnings of words to slightly change their ...