Monday February 17, 2025 Read More DND 2024 Origin Feats Ranked Origin feats are granted when a player chooses their background during character creation and help define your build's strengths! Sunday February 16, 2025 Read More Fill out the form below to receive Escape From Mt. Balefor for...
The ‘Cleric and Revised Species’ playtest did exactly what it said on the tin, amending a few existing races based on player feedback and pioneering the newDnD Clericrules. The Unearthed Arcana provided a list of recommended starting spells, and players could now choose their subclass at a ...
But in the meantime, what principles can I use (in addition to the ones in the Unearthed Arcana article) to determine whether and at what level a new optional class feature is balanced? Since posting this, I've found out that the UA playtest class features give almost ex...
In the case of the Revised Ranger's ability, this means that the benefit only goes away when the party stops moving, whether that's for combat or for resting, as long as the entire traveling period is at least one hour. The specific wording of the ranger ability makes references to trav...
Playtest/homebrew material is not yet ready for primetime. If you, as GM, don't want to worry about potential balance issues, then it's perfectly fine to disallow Unearthed Arcana/playtest/homebrew content from your game. While you aren't citing balance as the main problem, not ...