An ultrasound is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves, called ultrasonic waves, to produce images of internal organs and the interior of the body. This form of imaging works largely in the same way as sonar. These images are often used in obstetrics but have non-obstetric uses ...
Other times, an enlarged heart can be diagnosed during tests for other health issues. An ultrasound of your heart, also called an echocardiogram, is the best way to diagnose it. An echocardiogram doesn't involve any pain or risk. It measures the heart's: Size Muscle thickness Pumping ...
Ultrasound works by sending sound waves toward the object being tested. A machine records the sound waves. These are also called echoes. They bounce back and create an image that can be seen on a screen. The image is sometimes called asonogram. Diagnostic ultrasound uses sound wave technol...
An EKGtest records your heart rhythm and how fast your heart beats. It shows healthcare providers if you have heart block or have had a heart attack. Echocardiogramis a type of ultrasound. Sound waves are used to show the structure and function of your heart. This test may show if there...
Have You Wondered What Is The Difference Between UltraSound And SonoGram Is? Or Always Thought Sonogram Is a Different Procedure? Check this Out!
The word “ultrasound” always makes me think of babies. I think that is because every pregnant woman has one at some point, whether to determine the gender of the baby or to see how it is developing. My sister had an ultrasound so that she could know whether she was having a boy or...
An echocardiogram is a type of ultrasound. Sound waves are used to show the structure and function of your heart. Angiography is a test used to look for blockage in your coronary arteries, such as plaque or blood clots. A thin tube called a catheter is placed into an artery, usually in...
I had another one at 12 weeks because the physician's assistant had trouble finding the heartbeat with the Doppler (which is also an ultrasound-type device, right?). At 20 weeks I had my anatomy scan, which I would have wanted anyway but was also necessary to make sure my SC had reso...
The purpose of performing an obstetric ultrasound is to provide a safe, non-invasive, and accurate method to clinically evaluate the pregnant uterus and fetus, right from the confirmation of a viable (alive) pregnancy to throughout the woman’s pregnancy
A cerebral or brain aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in an artery in the brain caused by weakness in the blood vessel wall. Untreated brain aneurysms may have risk of rupture, resulting in what’s called hemorrhagic or cerebral stroke. The annual rate of rupture is approximately 8–10 per...