A specimen of iron is uniformly magnetised by a magnetising field of500Am−1. If the magnetic induction in the specimen is0.2Wbm−2. The susceptibility nearly is View Solution We getN1andN2β−perticles per second from two specimens of a radioactive specimen , then the ratio of numbe...
The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature allows the naming of new species without a type specimen ever having been preserved. This practice causes problems and is undesirable because if related, cryptic, sibling species are encountered later, it may not be possible either to allocate them ...
A holotype is the first specimen to which a new dinosaur name is attached. Also known as the "type specimen", a holotype must feature unique characteristics that distinguish it from all other dinosaurs apart from members of the same species, and it must be chosen by the author who names ...
You can define it, for example, as 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction - writing which is not literally true.Seventeenth-century English literatureincludes Shakespeare, Webster, Marvell and Milton; but it also stretches to the essays ofFrancis Bacon, the sermons ofJohn Donne,Bunyan's ...
Pathology is a branch of the medical sciences that involves studying and diagnosing diseases that affect various aspects of the body and their causes. Pathologists are often able to determine the cause of illness or even death by studying tissues, organs, or a cadaver....
Flat design provides for a great way to enhance conversions, improve loading speeds, and more. Discover what flat design is and how to use it effectively
the type-specimen for the group, to theAustralasian BitternandPinneated Bittern, to our ownAmerican Bittern, participates in this familiar act in almost exactly the same way. While the colors and patterns of the four species of large bitterns vary a bit, the behavior is globally practiced. ...
The analysis of cellular ultrastructure is paramount for gaining a comprehensive understanding of cell functionality. By examining the intricate details within a cell, researchers can uncover the mechanisms that drive various cellular processes and functions. ...
Figure a shows a compression type with a centrally positioned piezoelectric element-mass-spring system mounted on a circular central pillar that is attached to the base. The resonance frequency of this structure is quite high. When the base B is linked to the test object, however, deformation...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Totipotency: - Totipotency is derived from the Latin word "totipotentia," which translates to "ability for all." This term signifies a unique capability of certain cell