news, random thoughts and sharing articles; however, there is a restriction on length. Originally, Twitter limited tweet characters to 140. The limit is now 280 characters, which includes spaces and punctuation
Twitter Google Share on Facebook what's-her-name Idioms what's-her-name , whatshername or whatsername n informala girl or woman whose name is unknown, temporarily forgotten, or deliberately overlooked Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ...
Findings from the SSRS Opinion Panel, A Nationally Representative Probability-based Panel of U.S. Adults SSRS Opinion Panel Infographic 2024 Year in Review As the year comes to a close, we're reflecting on the memories and milestones that defined 2024 for our team. ...
You can now choose up to three posts or Reels to pin to the top of your — Instagram (@instagram)June 7, 2022 In other words, your older content can still shine 😉 This feature is nothing new on platforms like Twitter or TikTok, but we definitely ...
Include profile information such as your name, location, website and bio. Twitter users (or soon-to-be Twitter followers) can identify or gain a sense of who you are. Now the fun begins. Develop your Twitter presence and follow accounts that interest you, which can be accounts of friends...
Twitter username and handle are the same things. So if someone asks you for your Twitter handle, they are referring to your username and vice versa. Username is your unique identity on Twitter. Your username will appear next to your name in your tweets, replies, and messages. It is precede...
What does this mean for Twitter? For now, the platform's rebrand is just a name change — no new features have been introduced, staying true to Musk's apparent preferred product strategy of hype first, delivery much later. But the name change suggests Musk is likely to keep control of th...
Telegram may be among the most popular messaging services in the world, yet many still don’t know what it’s all about. The app is often name-dropped in discussions regarding online privacy and security, but aren’t most, if not all, messaging apps secure? Don’t more popular apps like...
As if things weren't chaotic enough on Elon Musk's Twitter, it has now added exclamation points all over the place. The "What's happening?" prompt when you compose a tweet has now become "What is happening?!" Not satisfied, the reply prompt now reads, "Tweet your reply!" and the...
Twitter Dark Mode on X If you have have Twitter, you know you have the option to set your profile on Light or Dark Display. With the new name comes lots of new changes and one of them is taking away one of the display options. Is it because the dark mode matches the color scheme ...