What type of sedation is used? Safe, “twilight sleep” anesthesia is administered by a board-certified MD anesthesiologist. You will be sleeping gently and comfortably – eyes closed, without any pain, and totally unaware of the passage of time. You will awake quickly after surgery – refreshe...
Conscious sedation is a type of sedation in which the sedated person can respond to directions, but does not feel pain. Those...
Light is often a big part of treatment for this syndrome. Patients in hospitals and care facilities may not be exposed to very much sunlight during the day, which could upset the body's natural day and night rhythms and lead to sundowning. In addition to making sure that patients get some...
Less commonly, some people choose to have their IUD inserted under twilight sedation which means staying in a day surgery or hospital for around four hours. While some family planning services offer sedation at low cost, it is not universally available due to long public hospital waiting lists o...
to show the anaesthetic is not working before the surgeon picks up their scalpel. But if you have also been given neuromuscular blockers, that won't be possible. The unfortunate result is that a small proportion of people may lie awake for part or all of their surgery without any ability ...
My father had brain surgery six months ago. He has been through three rehab facilities and was at home for a few months and making good progress. He continued to suffer repeat urinary tract infections, along with C-Dif and MERSA. He had to be re-hospitalized and is now in rehab again....
That's why in some countries, especially EU countries, colonoscopy is only done if the patient has symptoms causing doctors to suspect a disorder or illness in the colon. Stool tests and sigmoidoscopy are preferred if there isn't a reason to carry out a colonoscopy surgery. ...