Whether or not whatever-are-being-defined-as Palestinians have a “right” to lands in that area of the world is a political question. I say, as above, that the lands should be Christian (and some “Palestinans” are Christian). But I would not make it illegal for non-Christians to l...
aboutracism.Finally,wediscusstheresilience ofracialdomination,concentratingonhowallactorsinasocietygrippedbyracism reproducetheconditionsofracialdomination,aswellasonthebenefitsanddrawbacks ofapproachesthatemphasizeintersectionality. Keywords:Race,RaceTheory,RacialDomination,Inequality,Intersectionality INTRODUCTION Synchronizing...
Remember; you’re the one who’s defending Eminem’s racist lyrics, it is therefore quite apt for me to bring your nationality into the discussion given your country’s historical penchant for hatred. Bringing up parallels is done for the purposes of argument, not to mention comedy. For ...
it is really straightforward and does not need absurd gestures to supplement the joke. That is why I truly enjoy dry humor, and it is done much better in Britain. Americans are just much too dumbed down by the media to even understand this form of comedy. ...