Protists, such as aphanizomenon flos-aquae and spirulina, are types of blue-green algae that also produce oxygen as a by-product of their respiration cycle. If not for these little cyanobacteria, Earth would not be the oxygen rich planet it is today. Blue-green algae provides 80% of the ...
What are the classifications of fungi? What characteristic do all algae share? Are bacteria benthos? What is monera in biology? How can you tell amoebas and euglena protozoa apart? What characteristic do all protists have in common?
What is the difference between� archaea, bacteria and protists? You can identify or classify archaea and eubacteria by Why do we separate archaea and prokaryotes? What are the characteristics of true bacteria? What are the identifying characteristics of bacteria?
Photosynthetic protists having trichocysts are View Solution Common between trichocysts of Paramecium and nematocysts of Hydra is View Solution Read the following statements about paramecium. I. Paramecium has kappa, Lambda, mu and pi particles in cytoplasm. ...
What are the three major differences between protists and animals? Is phylum Cnidaria vertebrate or invertebrate? Contrast and compare key differences between the Phylum Nemertea and the Phylum Nematoda. Which phylum does an animal belong to, if...
Flagella are key in the mobility of certain protists. 5 Cilia Small, vibratory, swimming organs, somewhat resembling true cilia, as those of Ctenophora. Flagella Plural of flagellum. Common Curiosities Can a cell have both cilia and flagella? It's rare but possible in some eukaryotic cells....
Amoeba, in particular, refers to the genusAmoeba(trueamoeba). Theamoeba classificationtakes place in the family Amoebidae. Also, the class inamoeba classificationtakes place in Tubulinea. This genus comprises of protists that are single-celled. Furthermore, amoebas are free-living organisms. The...
Properties common to terrestrial organisms (plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria) are that they are cellular, carbon-and-water-based with complex organization, having a metabolism, a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli, and reproduce. An entity with these properties is generally...
While seaweed does look like a plant, seaweed is not a plant. It's also a type of protist. Seaweeds are large floatingalgaethat grow in water closer to coastal waters. The long, ribbonlike leaves of seaweeds provide shelter to breeding fish and aquatic animals such as amphibians, sea horse...
What type of venation do monocot leaves have? What are examples of plant-like protists? Give an example of liverworts. Do conifers have roots? What is ferns and mosses? What are some plants in a coniferous forest? Do plants in the phylum Cycadophyta have true leaves, stems, and roots?