Triple X syndrome (also called trisomy X syndrome, XXX syndrome, or 47,XXX) is a rare genetic condition where females inherit an extra X chromosome. For some females with triple X syndrome, the third X chromosome can be found in every cell in their body. For others, it is only found i...
Triple X syndrome is a lifelong condition, but some of its symptoms — such as motor skill delays — appear earlier in childhood. Early intervention strategies, like speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, can help some girls with trisomy X catch up to their peers or reach ...
Trisomy21, also referred to asDown Syndrome, is a chromosome abnormality caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Individuals with this condition usually havemental retardation, although other health issues may be present as well. This is a common birth defect, appearing in about one out of e...
What is Mosaic Down Syndrome? What Is Trisomy? Discussion Comments Byanon269946— On May 20, 2012 I have a son with full Trisomy 18. He is 29 months old, breathing on his own and is an absolute joy in my life! It has been a long hard road, but my son is worth every tear and ...
An obstetrician is usually able to diagnose Treacher Collins syndrome before an infant is born through routineimaging. If deformities are not prominent, the disorder may not be diagnosed until an examination after birth. When a doctor notices signs of Treacher Collins syndrome, he or she will typi...
What is a chromosome territory? What chromosome is most common in genetic mutations? What type of cells contain only one set of chromosomes? How many chromosomes does someone with Down Syndrome have? What are replicated chromosomes? What part of the sperm cell contains chromosomes?
What Is Trisomy? What is Down Syndrome? Discussion Comments ByZipLine— On Dec 29, 2014 I just learned that the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, like the one causing Mosaic Down syndrome depends on the mother's age. The older the mother is, the greater the risk is. ...
Trisomy 21. This is by far the most common type, where every cell in the body has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. Translocation Down syndrome. In this type, each cell has part of an extra chromosome 21, or an entirely extra one. ... ...
The best way to understand Down syndrome—what it means to one's baby and what it means to the parents—is to get the facts. The worst enemy facing parents of babies with Down syndrome is ignorance. Before parents do anything or decide anything about their baby, they should learn about ...
Turner Syndrome and Trisomy X are two types of sex chromosome aneuploidy that occur in females as a result of too few or too many sex chromosomes. Learn about aneuploidy, Turner Syndrome, Trisomy X, and symptoms/treatment options for sex chromosome aneuploidy. ...