programmer dans autocad didier aveline 0 likes link copied consultant 01-27-2021 02:25 am mark as new bookmark subscribe mute accepted solution i think they wanted to say that you can use them within the trim and extend command as cutting/boundary edges. 0 likes link copied anonymo...
• Quick Select command is faster by 2x in large drawings. Working with Files • Create startup suites, which allow you to specify the custom applications that start automatically when IntelliCAD starts. • Export three-dimensional models to an .obj (Wavefron...
The macro provides specific trimming methods which can be used in any view projection including plan, elevation, isometric, and perspective. The behavior of these routines is like DataCAD’s cleanup commands where the result of the trim occurs on the ‘pick’ side of the intersection point. You...
• The Dynamic Viewpoint command was enhanced to include multiple ways of selecting a point from which to view three-dimensional entities. • The 3D Orbit command allows you to orbit a drawing, that is, rotate the view. Commands includes Constrained Orbit, Free Orbit, Continuous Orbit, Cons...
The use of the macro buttons also shortens the length of command input. Some commands are lengthy (such as the LAYMCUR command) and reducing from 8 keystrokes to one button press is enormously efficient when repeated throughout the day. The mouse has been well worth the investment in terms...
Trim and Extend I must admit, I can’t stand this change!!Instead of having you select objects or boundaries for the TRIM or EXTEND command, the new “quick” mode selects all potential options by default. To revert back to the standard way or using the Trim/Extend command, type in on...
在泊车过程中要求车速控制在 5~12km/h 范围内,可以根据实际情况做出轨迹修正的调 整,半自动泊车系统只需要线控转向的支持,全自动泊车就需要线控转向线控驱动线控制 动的支持
New for the Extrude command is now an option to create a Thin Extrude. This will allow you to take the original sketch profile and give it a wall thickness instead of a block of material. We have enabled a lot of options for you to use around direction control and positioning of the ...
Click next to new menu items and the title of new and changed PropertyManagers to read what is new about the command. A help topic appears with the text from this manual. • Online Help. The online help contains brief descriptions of the new functionality with links to the complete, ...