Mich., page=5337, passage=In case any of the committee do not understand what is meant by a rate perline', I may say that buttons, being very small, are not measured by the foot or inch, but by the line, a line being one-fortieth of an inch. For example, that is a 27-'line...
This is a review of the issue of randomness in quantum mechanics, with special emphasis on its ambiguity; for example, randomness has different antipodal relationships to determinism, computability, and compressibility. Following a (Wittgensteinian) philosophical discussion of randomness in general, I ar...
Hanging wall and footwall are terminologies used in describing dip-slip faults. The hanging wall refers to the block/unit that is above the fault plane (and the footwall). On the other hand, the footwall refers to the block/unit that is below the fault plane (and the hanging wall)....
TheHandiLaz Mini IIis a portable, handheld OPC that weighs just 1.8 lb (0.83 kg) with compact dimensions of 3.2 x 5.4 x 1.7 in (8.2 x 13.7 x 4.2 cm). Moreover, the 3.5-inch Color LCD touchscreen interface is easy to use with its intuitive single-button start/stop functionality. Its ...
Trench foot is caused by long, continuous exposure to a wet, cold environment, including actual immersion in water. Work involving small bodies of water or working in trenches with water pose particular threats. Symptoms include a tingling or itching sensation, burning, pain, and swelling, som...
when the temperature is low, it leads to the formation of ice, its solid state of matter. Water is an essential component of an ecosystem to thrive and survive. Water is evenly distributed by the means of the water cycle, which is the cyclic evaporation and transpiration, condensation, an...
I always thought I would be a better gangster than a spy. The spy thing is too much sneaking around in a trench coat trying to lurk in the shadows of the night. Always vulnerable, like a puppy on an iceberg, a spy often is a traitor and who wants to groove with a traitor? Gatheri...
If your property is located downslope to an adjacent area, rainwater runoff may collect in its crawlspace. But, again, a vapor barrier won’t be able to stop the water from entering the crawl space and causing issues. In this damp scenario, you must create a trench around your property pe...
Its WWI, trench warfare is living hell, and the men could really use some inspiration. The general starts talking to the wounded soldiers. He goes up to the first man and says: "What brings you in here son?" The soldier replies: "sir, I got dysentery in the trenches, something awful...
There is tin between the foot of the part and the welding trench, but it is actually not completely caught by the tin. Most of the reason is that rosin is contained in the solder joints or caused by it. 4. Cold welding Also called undissolved tin, it is caused by insufficient flow ...