The Deep State is the federal bureaucracy that creates laws, enforces them, and judges and punishes transgressors, which means it possesses all three powers that are supposed to be separate in America: legislative, executive, and judicial.
In the 19th Century, the USA was not yet a world power or superpower, but certainly the leading regional power of the Americas. If there is any candidate for the “superpower” moniker in that century, it is incontestably Great Britain. Despite the loss of their 13 American colonies, ...
A chill is creeping over Russia's academic and journalistic communities as the implications of a key treason trial launched by the security service sink in: Almost any piece of information communicated to a foreigner could land you in jail.The case holding everyone's attention concerns Igor ...
of heavy fines and the fact that hikers stand out like a sore thumb, people still flout the rule. if you continue between the peaks, you’ll soon come to unsusa, a dainty temple surrounded by flowers in warmer months, while further down the mountain is the highly popular temple of tap...
aGladys was full of every womanly quality. Some judged her to be cold and hard; but such a thought was treason. Gladys是充分的每女子般地的质量。 一些判断她是冷的和艰苦; 但这样想法是谋反。[translate] a2. The family will report more purchases of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer purcha...
develop that rapport with. So that’s where spies can really teach us a lot because I call them the world’s best sales people because their sale, which is convincing someone to buy into treason, is the hardest sale you could possibly make. So, you know, spies are incredibly good at ...
PRESIDENT: Was your question, Mr LEE, asking whether the personswhodid what yousaydidhappen committed an offence under the present law of treason? 主席(譯文):李議員,你的問題是否問及你所指某些㆟做過的事,根據現行叛國罪的法例, 是否屬於違法?
awere not merely perverse but the epitome of treason: 不是只是反常的但是叛逆的概要:[translate] a刚加错了 Just added is wrong[translate] aSEMINARS AND DISCUSSIONS: Various college and university level societies and clubs of students teachers should be encouraged to organize seminars, penal discussio...
Now, this is not guesswork. It certainly wasn't guesswork. The FBI was wiretapping everything coming out of the South Vietnamese embassy in Washington under Johnson's orders. Please read more about Nixon's "treason" below the fold. It wasn't just the South Vietname... PRESIDENT: Was your question, Mr LEE, asking whether the persons who did what you say did happen committed an offence under the present law of treason? 主席(譯文):李議員,你的問題是否問及 你 所指 某些 ㆟ 做過 的事 ,根據現行叛國罪的法例, 是否屬於違法?