p t tWD,low t VWO,low Watchdog timing (analog implementation) t Watchdog timing – analog implementation1) Positive edges at the watchdog input pin "WI" are expected within the watchdog trigger timeframe tWI,tr, otherwise a low signal at pin "WO" is generated and it remains low for ...
(Broadband Access TRANSFORMER)6.ACS-0108 (SMD Common Mode Line Filters) 1.MDI150041 (MDF VDSL2 ETSI TR 101 952-2-3) 1.MDS600007-I24 (ADSL 600Ω Spiltter 24port)2.AC4802 (ADSL 600Ω Spiltter 48port)3.VI4801 (VDSL2 ETSI TR 101 952-2-3 Splitter 48port)Skip...