Applying fillings is a common dental procedure. Silver amalgam is another popular material for filling decayed teeth. Silver offers some of the same durability as gold and is generally less expensive than gold and composite materials. The silver amalgam does contain a small amount of mercury, which...
seriesofquestionsraisedbytheteacher?slecture,fillingyourownanswers. 3 Whenyoudo needtoincludedata,addonlythemostimportantpointsundereachquestion.Thisistheevidence foreachquestion?sanswer. Step2 4 Thiswillhelpyourememberyournotesvisually.Writequestionsinred,definitionsinblue, conclusionsingreen. Step3Reviewyourno...
As a noun, filling means, “material that is used to fill something.” Your dentist might put a temporary filling in your tooth after removing a cavity. Finally, as an adjective, filling means “substantial.” For example, you might say, "This is a filling meal," if the food is hearty...
What is a deep tooth filling? Deep filling – If the hole is deep and close to the pulp, the dentist has to place a fillingwhich will be very close to the pulp. If the filling is too close to the nerve, it may get infected slowly. Dentists can't predict the time frame for the ...
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A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. Learn more about what a filling is and when you may need one here.
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The attacking cells are also taken out of the tooth. The affected tooth is then capped with a crown or filling. If the root canal is effective, the internal resorption will not reoccur within the tooth; if the dentist is not able to save the tooth with root canal therapy, the tooth ...
The tooth could break The nerve or pulp could get infected The nerve could die You could get toothache You could get swelling of your face You might feel sick You might need a filling You might need to have the tooth taken out. If it was a front tooth it would spoil your lovely smile...
A filling may be placed in your tooth after the decayed portion is removed. The filling may help to protect your tooth from more decay. A root canal may be needed if the tooth is infected or the decay is severe.How can I help prevent dental cavities?Brush...