There seems to be broad agreement that businesses should notify consumers if they run recognition on their websites or premises, but Congress will have to figure outwhat constitutes meaningful consent to face-collectionas well ...
So I ended up writing this note instead to close off the problem. I’ve arranged this post so that this additional trick is postponed to below the fold, so that the reader can, if desired, try to guess for themselves what the final missing ingredient needed to solve the problem was. ...
The best unconditional result known of the type (3) is the Siegel-Walfisz theorem, which allows to be as large as . Even the powerful generalised Riemann hypothesis (GRH) only lets one prove an estimate of the form (3) for up to about . However, because of the averaging effect of ...
The argument here is that it can be much more fruitfully framed in the latter. Form is not something that one must impose—it can be found. The form of a thing or system is that which holds its parts together. This always devolves into a set of mutual relationships. Such relationships ...
The industrial Internet is a new infrastructure, application mode, and industrial ecosystem that deeply integrates next-generation information communication technologies with the industrial economy. By fully connecting all elements, including people, mac
Logical and structural organization of data.Database administrators (DBAs) can use a DBMS to impose a logical, structured organization on the data. It delivers economy of scale for processing large amounts of data because it's optimized for such operations. ...
As verbs the difference between write and impose is that write is (lb) to form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate while impose is...
意译:Do not do to others what you don't want to have done to youself.英语圣经有个同义句子:Do unto others as you would have others do unto you 2. 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇 在翻译苏轼的这一段诗之前,我们需要了解其中文含义。它是说:在晴日的阳光照射下,西湖水波荡漾...
One of the ways governments deal with trading partners they disagree with is through tariffs. A tariff is atax imposedby one country on the goods and services imported from another country to influence it, raise revenues, or protect competitive advantages. Key Takeaways Governments impose tariffs t...
which is collected by the retailer and passed on to the government. A business may be liable for sales taxes in a given jurisdiction if it has a presence there, which can be abrick-and-mortarlocation, an employee,