If a volcanic eruption occurs near a village, what is the right way to conform to the concept of man - nature harmony? A. Try to put out the volcanic eruption by pouring a large amount of water B. Move to a safe area according to the advice of relevant departments and the natural ...
Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals' ideas and behaviors to conform to the majority due to the direct or implicit guidance or pressure of the group. Conformity is very common in our daily life. For example, when you go to a friend's birthday party and someone sings ...
Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals' ideas and behaviors to conform to the majority due to the direct or implicit guidance or pressure of the group. Conformity is very common in our daily life. For example, when you go to a friend's birthday party and someone sings a song off...
The motivation behind compliance is usually to avoid negative consequences, such as penalties, fines, or disapproval from an authority. Whereas the motivation to conform often stems from the desire for social acceptance, avoiding social ostracism, or the internal satisfaction of being part of a grou...
搜索智能精选 题目I don’t know whether what she said is true, but I’ll try to ___ it. A. conform B. confirm C. confess D. confine〔A〕 答案〔 A 〕
What is the difference? Many students confuse the wordsconformandconfirm. How do you know when to use each one? Both words are verbs, and there are only small differences in theirspellingsandpronunciations. However, you need to be careful, because the meanings of the two words are very diff...
Conformity refers to behavioral alignment with social norms or group standards, while conformance is adherence to technical or specific standards.
the Buyers shall accept such Notice of Readiness for delivery of the Vessel tendered by the Sellers. As soon as after Buyers' inspection of the Vessel for acceptance on condition that the Vessel is to conform to the Contract specification at the Place of Delivery, the Buyers shall accept such...
What is the difference between confirm and conform? False Cognates: There are many pairs of words in the English language that are confused for one another; these are called false cognates. False cognates look or sound similar, so they are often misused. ...
A conforming mortgage loan meets the dollar limits set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and the funding criteria of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. These agencies have standardized rules to which mortgages for single-family dwellings must conform. Mortgages that exceed the conforming loan ...