Why can't we prepare fossil fuel from dead organisms in a laboratory? What are molecular diagnostics? What potential benefit does it offer? Explain the purpose of immunologic tests: Rh antibody titer. Why is it better to use the same cuvette for the blank and for the test samples? What ar...
cell proliferation, or cell growth. A similar enrichment of proteins involved in these pathways was identified on HEK293 cells, another commonly used cell line for biopharmaceutical production. In contrast to that, proteins involved in these pathways were not...
What is the purpose of the antiserum in the immunodiffusion experiment? What is the purpose of acid workup in the Grignard reaction? What is the purpose of a broth in a microbiology laboratory? In the experiments done with laccase, describe the purpose of cuvette. Why do you need to perfor...
The economic feasibility of a microbial bioprocess is often related to three production metrics: titer, rate (also known as productivity), and yield. To achieve greater performance from a microorganism, reduced byproduct formation and high cell density growth (titer), varied and efficient feedstock ...
Laboratory assistants in biology and medicine play a central role in the operation of laboratories in hospitals, research institutes, and industries. Their daily work routine is characterized by dealing with molecular structures/chemical substances (i.e.
In many cases, several types of immune responses can contribute to protection; they may co-correlate and usually only one of them is established as correlate of protection. Often, this is an antibody titer since antibodies are often directly involved in protection and because they can be easily...
Nevertheless, while C25H had apparently lower helicase activity than H44C, its progeny titer surprisingly was 100-fold higher. Furthermore, the 5-log decrease of H44C viability was not consistent with its relatively mild decrease in overall RNA synthesis. These results may indicate that EAV nsp...
(Virocult®, Sigma). They were pooled in order to constitute a homogeneous material that was spiked with infectious SARS-CoV-2 to a final titer ranging from 105to 106TCID50/mL depending on the sample type. Spiked material was then distributed in 300 µL aliquots before performing the ...
Infective endocarditis (IE) is a severe and life-threatening disease. Identification of infectious etiology is essential for establishing the appropriate antimicrobial treatment and decreasing mortality. The aim of this study was to explore the potential utility of metataxonomics for improving microbiologica...
CASES IN CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Case Thirty-One: Need For Speed: When Turnaround Time Matters Intravenous ceftriaxone was given for 10 days followed by oral rifampicin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The blood brucella agglutination titer was 1:320 at the second month and long-term antibiotic treatme...