That's the stuff you should never use, unless the tip is already beyond use. It kills the plating on modern tips.edit: actually in the description: Quote Multicore TTC-LF is a speed and effective product for cleaning and re-tinning de-wetted soldering irons that cannot be re-tinned by ...
TTC Tip Tinner/Cleaner (soldering) TTC Toutes Taxes Comprises (French) TTC Turn the Corner (various organizations) TTC Time to Customer TTC Trans Texas Corridor TTC Troops to College TTC The Travel Corpororation TTC Transition to College (various locations) TTC The Training Center TTC Trident Tech...
TTC Tip Tinner/Cleaner (soldering) TTC Toutes Taxes Comprises (French) TTC Turn the Corner (various organizations) TTC Time to Customer TTC Trans Texas Corridor TTC Troops to College TTC The Travel Corpororation TTC Transition to College (various locations) TTC The Training Center TTC Trident Tech...