The posterior tibial artery is a type of blood vessel that begins behind the knee and descends the leg towards the back of the...
As the flexor digitorum longus originates not only on the body of the tibia bone but also on the fascia of the tibialis posterior — the sheath of fibrous tissue enveloping the muscle — and as its tendon runs concurrently with that of the tibialis posterior across the ankle joint, it becom...
What is the name of the highlighted muscle? What muscle shares a common insertion with the tensor fasciae latae? What are the three basic types of muscle? Identify the muscle that is antagonistic to the tibialis anterior. Which of the following muscles flexes the thigh at the hip? a. I...
What is a proximal humerus fracture? What is the posterior side of the patella called? What can be done for a fractured sacrum? What bone shape is the patella? What is the tibialis anterior muscle? What is a fractured proximal phalanx in a toe? How does the gastrocnemius contribute to pla...
or big toe, helps you flex your ankle. As you go through the upward motion of a sit-up, you may feel slight tension through the front of your legs. This is your tibialis anterior engaging. While the sit-up does not strengthen this muscle, it does use it to keep your ankle stabilized...
We will present the MSUS technique of examination followed by paradigmatic sonograms and clips of micro traumatic diseases affecting tendons (Tibialis posterior and anterior), synovial bursae (Bursitis), ligaments (Plantar plate tears, Spring ligament), nerves (Morton neuroma), bones (Stress fractures...
“Several months after transplantation thetibialisanterior was injured by an injection.” “The anteriortibialismuscle was chosen because of its function as an antagonist to the peroneal muscles.” “It is innervated by the anterior interosseous nerve and may be represented as thetibialisposterior of ...
the tibia and fibula. The muscles merge to form the Achilles tendon that attaches to the back of your heel. Three muscles that run from the leg bones to the toes also help plantar flex the ankle. They are the flexor hallucis longus, the flexor digitorum longus and the tibialis posterior....
PTTD, also called progressive collapsing foot deformity (PCFD) or adult acquired flatfoot (AAF), is an inflammation of the tendon that runs from thetibialis posterior(a muscle in the lower leg) behind the inside bone on the ankle and attaches to the sole of the foot. This tendon helps ho...
Chapter 6/ Lesson 10 86K What are the thigh muscles and how do they work? Explore anterior thigh muscles and posterior thigh muscles and learn how they work together to move one's thigh. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...