mental disorder- (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness folie,mental disturbance,psychological disorder,disturbance psychiatry,psychological medicine,psychopathology- the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders...
The word mindless is often thrown around to mean acting in an aloof way or without thought. It's usually used inisolatedsituations in which someone does something absent-minded. But Harvard social psychology professor Ellen Langer1says that many people are actually mindless most of the time. Lan...
Mindfulness helps you become more aware of what’s happening in the present moment and to understand your thought patterns. It allows you to step out of your mind and observe those patterns. This way, you can notice when you’re drifting intoa mental health problem. When you practice mindful...
Mental gymnastics This happens when our minds spiral into damaging patterns of thought when we make up explanations or reasoning for unacceptable actions or circumstances. So basically, they’re all the notions that are in your head that are preventing you from accomplishing what you need to do....
I beg them not to hate me – seriously, I'll do whatever it takes! I can't handle the thought of losing them. I tell them I can't take their drama, then I grab my jacket and hit the road. Maybe time apart will help us cool off. ...
fostering the habit of taking notes. In daily life, you should keep a record of what you heard, thought and studied and sort them out in time. As the saying goes, when three are walking together, I am sure to find teachers ...
1. A healthy mind is an editing mind. This is one of the first ideas practitioners often try to relay to clients. We want to strive for mental practices that can look at and view our internal thought processes from the outside as much as possible. We want to identify thoughts t...
(chiefly psychology) The human mind as the central force in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual. Mental Of or relating to the chin. Psyche A small white butterfly, Leptosia nina, family Pieridae, of Asia and Australasia. Mental (relational) Of or relating to the mind or speci...
How is depression treated? Treatment depends on how severe your symptoms are. You may need any of the following: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)teaches you how to identify and change negative thought patterns. Antidepressant medicinemay be given to decrease or manage symptoms. You may need to...
If you're looking for guidance on where to go next, consider taking one of these personality tests.