喜欢读"What Is This Thing Called Science?"的人也喜欢· ··· Comparative Politics9.5 Language and Reality - 2nd Edition8.8 科学及其编造7.6 The Structure of Scientific Revolutio...9.4 Philosophy of Mind9.5 An Introduction to the Philosophy of... Case ...
> 我来写笔记 > What Is This Thing Called Science? 作者: Alan Chalmers isbn: 0335201091 书名: What Is This Thing Called Science? 页数: 288 定价: USD 53.98 出版社: Open University Press 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 1999-2-1© 2005-2025 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司...
科学究竟是什么 What is this thing called science 科学究竟是什么?Whatisthisthingcalledscience?[英]查尔莫斯著A.F.Chalmers 前言1科学概念的界定?2科学技术本身并不必然包含着导致全球气候变暖、生态环境恶化、能源匮乏、大规模杀伤性武器对人类的威胁以及诸如此类的恶果,这并非科学技术的本意,也不应该由科学技术...
每次写文章感觉第一段都不知道要说什么,所以这次打算从书名说起--科学是什么。 这个书名听起来就很奇怪, 因为我感觉科学是什么这个问题不会困扰任何一个现实社会中的人, 似乎没有一个人会因为思考科学是什么而彻夜难眠。 但显然这是个困扰英国人的问题。我开始读的时候, 带着当一天和尚撞一天钟的心情去看, 大...
What is This Thing Called Science 这几天读了一本书,英国物理学家、科学哲学家查尔默斯写的,《科学究竟是什么》,挺有意思的。 一 首先思考一个问题,没有标准答案。 牛顿的万有引力公式,是宇宙的客观规律吗? 有人认为是,哪怕不是,也是很接近的,而且我们可以通过科学的进步越来越接近宇宙的本质。
What is This Thing Called Science WhatisThisThingCalledScience byDrTonyMiller Reference: AFChalmers:‘WhatisthisthingcalledScience?’, 2ndEd.,TheopenUniversityPress,1982. “LikeallyoungmenIsetouttobeagenius, butmercifullylaughterintervened.” CleaLawrenceDurrell. Inductivism Thiswasanattempttoground...
This course critically examines the most important attempts to describe the scientific method, to draw a line dividing science from non-science, and to justify the high status generally accorded to scientific knowledge. Views studied include Karl Popper's idea that scientific theories are falsifiable ...
What isTthis Thing Called ScienceChalmers, AFChalmers, AChalmers, FChalmers, N. IChalmers AF. What isTthis Thing Called Science. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company Incorporated; 2013.
What is the thing called Science/《科学究竟是什么》【A.F.Chalmes】——1.常识科学观及其问题一 科学到底有什么特别之处。查尔莫斯并没有举一些科学技术史的例子,或者和宗教之类的作对比,而是从一种深入人心的,普通人的视角看待科学本身。然后他把这种深入人心的观念总结成了一句口号“科学是从事实中推导出来...
What is this Thing Called Science? A Very Brief Philosophical Overview The creation of an asteroid dynamical family as the outcome of a high-energy collision is essentially a two-step process: (1) the hydrodynamical phase, whe... M Massimi,D Pritchard 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 HPSC2901 (Advan...