September Zodiac Signs: Virgo & Libra The month of September begins with the Zodiac sign of Virgo. If this is your birth sign you have a very exacting nature. Nothing is “nearly” or “almost” with you. People in your circle sometimes consider you picky but your abi...
Get ready for a shift in energy becausethe Sunis about to move into the balanced, intellectual sign of Libra! On September 22nd, the Sun enters this harmonious, creative sign. Happy birthday, dear Libras! As we move into your season, it’s time for us to prepare ourselves and soak up ...
29th August 2025 - Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. The 4 Zodiac Signs Most affected by the Parade of the Planets Aries This would be a perfect time for the Aries, simply because their ruler Mars is in the sign of Pisces. Hence Aries woul...
Posted on May 29th, 2023 04:06 PM Share: Captivating. Beauty. Elegance. These are just a handful of the possible terms for sapphires. Sapphire is known as one of the four most popular precious stones is the -Sapphire. There is a certain broad range of colors and quality available in ...