you're sisters, aren't you?→vosotras sois hermanas, ¿no? you have all been here before→todos (vosotros) habéisestadoaquíantes you all know why we are here→todossabéispor quéestamosaquí you stay here, and I'll go and get the key→(vosotros) quedaosaquí, que yoiréa por la...
Cake -> Tarta (🇪🇸) | Pastel (🇲🇽). (Torta "cake" is used in South America, in ...
Vosotros/Ustedesplural informal forms ofyou. And why would it be more formal to call someone by a pronoun which treats him as a group?Because in morphological terms it looks the same, but grammatically it works in both ways singular and plural. ...
aOS MANDAMOS YANAN, ANA Y ROC Y TODA NUESTRA FAMILIA MUCHA FELICIDAD Y AMOR PARA VOSOTROS OS我们送了延安、名言和ROC和所有我们的家庭对您的幸福和爱[translate] aWherever possible, I tried to provide other resources and information about some of these methods by linking to other more in dept and...
Nosotros or nosotras are the only ways to say "we" in Spanish. You may be confusing "nosotros" with "vosotros," which, along with "ustedes" mean you plural. Vosotros being the informal form and ustedes being the formal form. 查看翻译 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) [来自...
The future tense is used to talk about events thatwillhappen any time after the present moment. There are two ways to form this in Spanish, which is similar to how we talk about the future in English. Future inflection The future inflection is similar to using the worldwillin English. Inst...
Mark, in the comments to anearlier entry, brought up an interesting point: why did the “thou/thee” form disappear from English (except for a few dialects)? There is a fascinatingdiscussionof this onLINGUIST List, from which I quote the following, byLarry Trask: ...