Char is a fixed-length data type; Varchar is variable-length. Both store alphanumeric characters in databases.
Large Value Data Types: varchar(max), nvarchar(max) Large Object Data Types: text, ntext, varbinary(max), xml, image Let’s look into the details of the different data types in SQL Server. 1. Exact Numerics This data type stores exact numbers such as integers, decimals, and monetary am...
SQL database has multiple structures or objects like stored procedures, functions, triggers, tables, view, and index. In SQL database schema is a set of logical objects of the data.SQL scheme has the same name as the database and it can be controlled and owned by the database user. T...
How to convert bigint to varchar in sql server ? How to Convert BitMap to Base64 String how to convert class(.cs) file to DLL using ASP.NET How to convert Convert HTML table to a DataSet how to convert csv data into json format in C# How to convert datetime in MM/dd/yyy...
Operate on a single value and then return a single value. Scalar functions can be used wherever an expression is valid. Categories of scalar functions Expand table Function determinism SQL Server built-in functions are either deterministic or nondeterministic. Functions are deterministic when they alwa...
Key column length should not exceed 900 bytes, but with SQL Server 2016 cu2, this has increased...
@my_variable is some string type: char, or varchar. 3) User variables allow for a special syntax not available to local variables: select @my_variable:=column1 ; selects the value of column1 into @my_variable. For a local variable, the equialent would be: ...
An in-memory table can have one columnstore index. You can create it when the table is created or add it later withALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL). Previously, only a disk-based table could have a columnstore index. A clustered columnstore index can have one or more nonclustered rowstore indexes...
statusVARCHAR(255)NOTNULLdefault'draft' The next one will be enum: statusENUM('archived','deleted','draft','published')DEFAULT'draft', And the last one is an integer: statusTINYINT(1)UNSIGNEDNOTNULLDEFAULT'0' Let us compare these three variants in terms of performance, easiness to use, ...
create a table in SQL. The following statement creates a table named Employees that has three columns: employee_ID, last_name and first_name, with the first column storing integer (int) data and the other columns storing variable character data of type varchar and a maximum of 255 characters...