If you’ve ever seen a pop-up telling you that your computer is in dire need of antivirus rescue, you’ve come across this scam. Also known asscareware, these fake antivirus ads want you to panic and pay up in order to secure what you believe is the solution to yourmalwarewoes. Som...
The United States Postal Service hassent a scam alertregarding package tracking text scams, also known as smishing. Here is what they said. Smishing is a form of phishing that involves a text message or phone number. Victims will typically receive a deceptive text message that is intended to ...
⛳️ Related: Executive Phishing: What Is It? How Does It Happen?→ 5. Phony security alerts (Banks, credit cards, etc.) Many bank account and credit card scams now mimic the security alerts that banks send to customers. These scammers trick victims into thinking that they're stopping...
Now that you know what a unique selling proposition is and why you need it, let’s look at some tips for creating USPs that drive sales and revenue. 1. Go back to the basics When writing unique selling points, it’s often helpful to go back to square one. Review your company mission...
However, like any credit card, building credit is all about how you use the credit you have access to in the first place. If you can manage to keep yourcredit utilization lowand makeon-time paymentsevery month, your credit score will improve in no time. ...
Thieves use a technique called "check washing" to scam you out of your money. That involves using chemicals that erase your writing on the check, such as the name of the recipient and the amount of the check. Once the payment is blank, they can fill in new information, including the am...
Finally, by rerouting your mail, thieves also have the chance to cause serious damage to your credit score and financial health before you even notice. How does address fraud happen? Scammers can use the United States Postal Service (USPS) to change your address. To change an address online...
This scam is popular during the holidays, when shoppers are preoccupied with meal planning and travel preparations. A typical text message may say, “There’s a problem with your delivery. Your package will be returned if not confirmed within 24 hours.” ...
If you’re a potential victim of a scam The United States Postal Inspection Serviceissued a warning in late 2023 about a scamcalled brushing, where you receive packages you didn’t order, with no return address. The sender is usually an international, third-party seller who finds your address...
Example 1: USPS Package Smishing This message is full of red flags that make it easy to identify as smishing. Note the lack of specific details, such as a name or a “warehouse” location, the odd spacing, and the strange “7cng.vip” string in the URL provided. Furthermore, accordin...