If you enabled email address privacy, then [username]@users.noreply.github.com is the default commit author email address. Below the Commit message fields, decide whether to add your commit to the current branch or to a new branch. If your current branch is the default branch, you should ...
Your personal/user account is your identity on GitHub.com and has a username and profile.Your personal/user account can own resources such as repositories, packages, and projects and has a straightforward way to manage your permission. Actions that you take on GitHub.com, such as creating an ...
Medium-low contributions. Medium-high contributions. High contributions. More 2024 2023 2022 Contribution activity September 2024 DonnoWhatUsername has no activity yet for this period. Loading Show more activity Seeing something unexpected? Take a look at the GitHub profile guide. Footer...
Is there anyone -amongst us- whom is capable (and willing) of writing an extension that would provide the following; (1.) editing/changing the User Agent (2.) adding username/password for fetching URLs that require credentials ?Although I am unable to contribute code-wise (am not a program...
git clone https://github.com/dockersamples/helloworld-demo-node Navigate into the newly created directory. cd helloworld-demo-node Run the following command to build a Docker image, swapping out YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME with your username. docker build -t YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME/docker-quickstart . ...
<id>github</id> <username>USERNAME</username> <password>TOKEN</password> </server> </servers> </settings> Examplesettings.xmlfile Publishing the Package and Jenkins Job To publish the package, you should include the URL of the repository in the<distributionManagement>element in yourpom.xmlfile...
Jan 17, 2022 10:48 PM in response to deggie Someone who has been taking over my phone accounts. 4 different phones, 3 phone carriers and numerous email addresses has downloaded GitHub under my username , phone number Apple ID on a different device unfortunately I only have had one device...
What is GitHub Codespaces","body":" GitHub Codespaces are a hosted developer environment operating in the cloud that can be run with Visual Studio Code. You can customize the development experience for any development project on GitHub, pre-installing dependencies, lib...
additionalArguments: '/updateassemblyinfo "src/Solution Items/SharedAssemblyInfo.cs"' We had to use additionalArguments because the task's GUI parameter doesn't seem to like the space in our path. This bug applies to Marketplace extensionGitTools:...
Identity is “opt-in,” so there are a few packages to add: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore– the package that enables EF Core integration A package for the database you wish to use, such asMicrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer(we’ll use the in-memory database for this ...