doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-7891-1_3Barry B. LuokkalaSpringer New YorkNASA (2014). What is the Universe made of?
In its earliest moments, the entire universe was compressed into an infinitely tiny point known as the singularity. From that singularity, space expanded, giving rise to the universe that we see today, according to NASA. How was the universe created? Diagram showing the different steps of the ...
NASA is the United States space agency and was founded in 1958 to do human and robotic exploration of the solar system and to study the universe as well.
(Image credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration) NEW YORK — All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend. These ...
The sun has a limited supply of hydrogen which it steadily depletes through the process of nuclear fusion. At this point,NASAestimates that the sun is a little more than 70% hydrogen. The vast majority of what remains is helium, which hydrogen is converted into during nuclear fusion. Eventua...
What Is Dark Matter? The Milky Way as captured by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Susan Stolovy (SSC/Caltech) Of all the sciences, physics is unique in that it can come to a broad consensus with math alone—very little tactile evidence required. Never has ...
Saturn Observation Night 2009 is centered near Saturn Opposition, when the Sun and Saturn are on opposite sides of the Earth, and Saturn is easy to see in the evening sky. All IYA participants, in all countries around the world, will be encouraged to take their telescopes out and share ...
Astronauts play a crucial role in NASA's scientific research. "Our job is to work together with people from all over the world to build vehicles and spacecraft to safely live in the space environment to explore the Universe," Melvin wrote in an email. "We do cutting ...
These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks. An example of this ongoing work is the International Space Station. It orbits Earth and...
paper by MIT engineer SethLloydbuilds the case for an intriguing spin on the concept: If space-time is made of quantum bits, the universe must be onegiant quantum computer. Of course, both notions raise a troubling quandary: If the universe is a computer program, who or what wrote...