Here students will find answers to a popular question like what is the unit of weight? Learn everything from the SI unit of weight, formula of weight and more.
Click to know what is momentum and learn about all the units of momentum i.e. CGS and SI Unit of momentum along with its dimensions and symbols.
The value of such a capacitor, essentially it’s “spring constant” for the mechanically–minded, is approximated by the formula in Figure 1 when the separation distance between the plates is small relative to their area. It should be noted however, that mechanical spring constants and capacitor...
Density, {eq}\rho {/eq}, is the ratio of the mass over the volume. It is the quantity that describes the amount of matter contained per unit of volume. The SI unit for density is {eq}\displaystyle \frac{kg}{m^{3}} {/eq}. However, the unit for densi...
It is useful for analyzing situations where a force is being exerted on a surface, rather than a single object. This often happens with fluids, such as water or air.Answer and Explanation: First, let's convert the dimensions of the football field ...
READWhat is Inerting? Gases Used for Inerting and Their Selection Criteria For a standard process, there are several licensors like UOP, Axens, Lummus, etc. & they are responsible for developing the PFD. Process flow diagrams of open art process units like CDU (Crude distillation unit), and...
Common Units of Force --->>SI: Newton (N) 1 N = 0.225 lb; One Newton (N) of force is defined as the amount of force needed to accelerate 1 kilogram (kg) of mass at a rate of 1 meter per second squared (m/s2). 1 Newton = 1 kg m/sec2 (A kilogram is the amount of weig...
Path.A path refers to a file or location on the web server. For this example, the path is whatis/search/query. Query.Found in the URL of dynamic pages, the query consists of a question mark, followed by parameters or the query string. In this example, "?" marks the beginning of the...
In English units, a slug is the amount of mass that 1 pound of force will accelerate at 1 ft/s2, and a pound mass is the amount of mass that 1 lb of force will accelerate at 32 feet/s2. The Earth exerts enough force to accelerate objects that are dropped at a rate of 9.8 m/...
Mitigate the impact of spurious networking issues that cause "-1005" errors for some blogs The Micropost panel now opens on the active Desktop even if MarsEdit is assigned to a specific Desktop An alert is now displayed if setting a keyboard shortcut fails because of new restrictions in macOS...