Russia has been accusedof usingthermobaric vacuum bombsduring its invasion of Ukraine, according to Ukrainian officials. "They used the vacuum bomb today," Ukraine's ambassador to theUnited States Oksana Markarovatold reporters after meeting with U.S. lawmakers Monday. "...The devastation thatRussi...
THE Ukrainian intelligence agency SBU says it has barred the last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, from visiting Ukraine for the next five years. Ukraine bars Gorbachev; WORLD BULLETINS The company's system business unit will be divided into two separate units, a China SBU and an...
Kirillov, who took his post in 2017, was one of the highest profile figures to level those accusations. He held numerous briefings to accuse the Ukrainian military of using toxic agents and planning to launch attacks with radioactive substances — claims Kyiv and its Wes...