We remember the saints and allow the memory of their faith to spur us on to deeper worship and greater service to the Lord. All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, or Hallowmas, is a Christian celebration in honor of all the saints from Christian history. Alex Crain Contributor ...
God is patient in mercy because he is holding off the judgment of justice to a later time. It is not injustice, but rather “choosing not to bring justice immediately.” When we see the holiness of God and the horror of sin, Challies said, “it is mercy that is shocking.” 2. It’...
This call to human existence and to holiness is the vocation of all— of every man that is born into this world. But the “call” to gain holiness by fulfilling one’s God-given mission during the course of his earthly sojourn determines the right state of life for each individual to ad...
Why hell is destruction, not eternal torment. Absolute Biblical proof of conditional immortality. What was taught in the Old Testament? What did Judaism teach? In-depth discussion on Conditional Immortality, Annihilationism, Traditionalism, and more! He
According to Scripture, there is one condition only to receive the free gift of everlasting life from God. Everywherethe Bible tells us that faith alone in Christ alone is all that is necessary to receive eternal life. But at the same time, the Bible talks about repentance scores of times....
It serves as a reminder that the pursuit of holiness is not limited to the times and spaces that are designated as holy. Rather, in a world without a Tabernacle, or a Temple, or an Ark of the Covenant, we are called to pursue holiness everywhere and all the time. We are called to ...
The Status Principle, Equal Value, and Infinite Value Infinite Sin without Equal Sin Finite Sins Against Infinite Beings Responses to Some Arguments for the Equality of Sins “All Sin is Equally Sin” “All Sin is Equally Wrong” “All Sin Deserves Hell (Infinite Punishment)” Scripture on the...
The Greek word translated "sanctification" (hagiasmos [aJgiasmov"]) means "holiness." To sanctify, therefore, means "to make holy." In one sense only God is holy ( Isa 6:3 ). God is separate, distinct, other. No human being or thing shares the holiness of God's essential nature. ...
Friedrich Nietzsche died in an insane asylum at the age of 55, but his influence didn’t. We learn that his philosophy was appropriated by the Nazis, who used it to justify their preoccupation with power and the idea of a master race. The first episode to air is “Friedrich Nietzsche: ...
The Covenant Setting - This is what Moses said to all of Israel in the Transjordanian wilderness, the arid rift valley opposite Suph, between Paran