A petit jury is also called a trial jury .This jury has usually 12 members. The members listen to actual court cases. They hear all of the evidence. Then ,at the end of the trail, they must make a decision. They decide if thedefendantisinnocentorguilty.---小陪审团也叫做审理陪审团,通...
The grand jury is so named because traditionally it has more jurors than a trial jury, sometimes called a petit jury (from the French word petit meaning "small"). 注释1(帮助理解): Common law普通法,习惯法,判例法〔由普遍的习俗和法官的判决发展而来而不是议会制定的法律〕;[专业] 英美法系 [法...
What is a Civil Jury? Discussion Comments ByFortunestorm— On Dec 11, 2013 The word impartial by definition means treating all rivals equally -- fairly and justly. It is synonymous with being unbiased, unprejudiced and open-minded. How many of us can actually say that we are impartial? We...
A jury trial waiver is issued when a defendant chooses to forego a jury trial and have the judge hear and decide the case solely by himself or herself. This is known as a “bench trial.” What Is a Jury Trial Waiver? Almost everyone is familiar with the seventh amendment's guarantee ...
What is Trial? 1\) it is a display, discussion and examination of certain charges or claims and evidences in a fomal environment and set-up like a court presided by the judge and jury, to determine whether the claims and evidences are correct or not. 2)Act of testing the performance to...
The jury is one of the most widely studied areas within the psycholegal discipline. Dating from the time of Hugo Munsterberg in 1908, when he provided one of the first critical reflections on the jury in his book On the Witness Stand , the sheer volume of jury research produced in the US...
The phrase “the jury is still out” is an idiom that means a decision has not been reached on a particular topic. So the author means the matter is still uncertain. “The jury is still out on the matter” is an idiom meaning that a decision or conclusion has not yet been reached ab...
A jury trial vs. judge trial is significantly different. In the United States all defendants charged with a crime are entitled to be tried by a jury of their peers. But not all countries have this policy. In Italy and France there is a judge trial and not a jury trial. ...
What does the author mean by “the jury is still out on the matter'”(Para.2)? A. The matter is still uncertain. B. The matter needs a jury to judge. C. The jury to judge is not available. D. The matter is not important. ...
The Scopes trial began on 10 June 1925 and ended on 21 June after all the evidence was presented to the court. In an effort to prohibit Bryan, renowned for his oratory skills, from speaking, Darrow requested that the jury find his client guilty. The jury voted one time and returned a ...