The Biosphere is made up of the parts of the Earth where life exists. It includes the land, ocean, and atmosphere. Life exists from9.5 km deepin the oceans up to50 km highin the atmosphere. Within the biosphere living things span a range of sizes, from the microscopic (like phytoplankton...
And at secondary level, in 2021, nearly a quarter of students (23 per cent) did not pass GCSE maths. Clearly, something is not working. But could change could be on the way? Professor Camilla Gilmore, from the Centre for Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University, points out that ...
Well, we have many debates in education about whether direct instruction is better or worse than discovery learning. We argue over assessment methods, the use of IT, the amount of time spent on each thing, the value of groupwork, the place of AI and so many other things. What if the a...
without question, I’ve seen numerous cohorts sit lots of GCSE exams year after year, each requiring significant knowledge. However, having engaged in the debate, read Martin Robinson’sTrivium 21cand Dan Willingham
1 June 2018 Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to take advantage of recent work on the study of resonantly forced baroclinic waves in the tropical Pacific to significantly reduce systematic and random forecasting errors resulting from the current statistical models intended to predict El Niño....