The book “Jasper Jones” shows some examples of courage in everyday life. Courage is important because it´s the force that pushes us through times where we are really scared and the times where we are really nervous. We need courage in our lives or else we would never go outside ...
The point of life is simply nothing more than “your” opinion of yourself and or your spiritual beliefs. I also believe that the “here and now” is not all there is. I believe that we all have a purpose as long as we draw breath and it is up to the individual to decide or sear...
Welcome to the News Archive. This is a place where I bore you to death with all the past news from the site :-] There are some links in here that may be out dated and useless, but that doesn't mean that all of them are broken. There are some useful info in this archive which ...
“Visual Music” courts such danger with curious recklessness. You might expect that this very specific correspondence between the senses would illuminate, so to speak, the mysterious interaction between art and music. It does just the opposite. The best known form of synaesthesia is the association...
PETER:It's great to be back. I had so much fun with you all last time, so thanks for having me, and I'm sitting here in Denver, Colorado on the west side of town. I'm looking out my window at a lake, which is incredible. It's just ... I'm looking at grass, lake, and...
seen the plot before). They also said it’s atmospheric and focuses on the effects of guilt. Wendy Walker (author ofAll is Not ForgottenandEmma in the Night, one of my favorite thrillers) said it has a “gripping, suspenseful plot with a compelling character study of a grieving famil...