Which is the best tax saving investment among NPS, PPF and debt mutual funds? Which of the following is not one of the three major assets Brick & Mortar retailers must invest in? a. People b. Inventory c. Company Cars d. Real Estate ...
Now, something to keep in mind if you plan to change your pricing or contract length is that TCV depends on both of these factors, so any changes to the contract length or MRR will affect your TCV, too. However, if your company offers services on a one-time payment basis, your TCV w...
I’ve wanted to cut and run but have always held on. Breaking through the pain barrier has always been worth it eventually, but it may feel tougher with FIRE because theoretically everything’s meant to be rainbows and unicorns from here. Life isn’t like that, which is something I need...
Thesameidea;Tocqueville120 yearsearlier •Ifonelookscloselyatwhathashappenedtotheworldsincethebeginningofsociety,itiseasytoseethatequalityisprevalentonlyatthehistoricalpolesofcivilization.Savagesareequalbecausetheyareequallyweakandignorant.Verycivilizedmencanallbecomeequalbecausetheyallhaveattheirdisposalsimilarmeansof...
So when Microsoft — or Boeing, for that matter — says a limitation on H-1B visas is keeping them from getting top talent, they don’t mean it in the way that they imply. If a prospective employee is really top talent — the kind of engineer who can truly do things others simpl...