If you drew a line down the middle of the picture, you would notice that each side of the Taj Mahal looks exactly the same. This means the building has symmetry. Symmetry is when an object looks the exact same on one side as the other. Lesson...
M1U1 What is a wonder of the world 外研新标准初三上 Module1 Wondersoftheworld Unit1Whatisawonderoftheworld?Objectives:1.能听懂介绍景观的对话;2.学会运用表述事实和观点的形容词描述所看到的景观;3.按照正确的语音语调和断句位置读句子。Warmingup Doyouknowaboutthenew7wondersoftheworld?New7Wondersof...
Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly.Wordsandexpressions man-maden.人造的naturaladj.大自然的wondern.奇观;奇迹discussionn.讨论;商讨easternadj.在东边的;来自东边的thoughconj.虽然;但是loudadj.(声音)响亮的 Wordsandexpressions wowint.呀,哇(用于表示惊讶或赞叹)opinionn.看法;主张inone’sopinion按某人的意见...
The centuries-old city of Kyoto, Japan, is teeming with must-see historical landmarks, immersive cultural experiences, enticing shopping areas and an endless supply of places to explore Japanese cuisine. With so many sights to see, it can be difficult to know exactly where to sta...
Tourists visit from around the world to watch the sunset over the Taj Mahal. Watch is also used if there’s information that needs to be learned. For example: Are you going to watch the news tonight? Did you watch the live stream of the lecture last night? Watch me and I’ll show...
ReadWriteQuizChinese dictionary Show pinyin n.India tài jī líng shì yìn dù zuì zhòng yào de lǚ yóu dì diǎn zhī yī 泰姬陵是印度最重要的旅游地点之一。 The Taj Mahal is one of the most important tourist sights in India. yìn dù yǒu yōu liáng de kē yán jī chǔ 印度有...
We're planning to go in July, when a pageant society puts on their big show. they do a different book every year; I'm hoping for These Happy Golden Years, as I'm a bit of a romantic, but my friend is more interested in The Long Winter because it's more dramatic. ...