Something deposited or pledged as a guarantee of the fulfillment of an undertaking or loan Verb ▲ To hold (someone or something) hostage in order to exchange for something else “Then it was on down past the olive groves and the vineyards to the villa, in which I washostagedfor eleven da...
Here we see that the process of removing or breaking down metallic form is essentially a resolving of bodily matter into spirit. The keynote of the alchemist’s perfecting intention is spiritualization, and dissolution is the body’s route to spirit: the spirit wil not dwel with the body, n...
However, Kuntze pointed out that Vandelli called the dragon tree Draco yucciformis, adding Dracaena as a synonym. Moreover, Linnaeus has included in the genus Dracaena several species, which were later transferred to Terminalis Medik., Dianella Lam. ex Juss and Liriope Lour. In conclusion Kuntze...
nodiflora Lam., a misunderstood species described from the Cape region and synonymised to F. pulverulenta, is restored for plants endemic to salt-pans and riverbeds in the coastal lowlands across the Cape Flats (Western Cape province, South Africa). Further, a revision of morphologically close...