Others prefer to measure the QT intervals that follow the shortest and longest R-R intervals and divide each by the square root of the R-R interval preceding it. The average of these intervals would then be used as the adjusted QT interval (Figure 1, B). Measurement of the QT interval ...
, where R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, and M is the molar mass of the gas. An increase in temperature will result in an increase in the root mean square velocity. Answer and Explanation: The following values are given in the problem: {eq}\rm v_{...
The number of randomly chosen predictors at each tree’s node was set to the square root of total predictors (nrandompred = 4; cf. Puech et al., 2014). Due to the low abundance of parasitic and oligolectic species those traits were not included in this analysis. To determine the...
This averaged square root is the ALFF (Zang et al., 2007). The ALFF of each voxel was divided by the individual global mean of ALFF within a brain-mask, which was obtained by removing the tissues outside the brain using software MRIcro (by Chris Rorden2). A...
a) The term "Least Square Estimates" refers to an approach to predict the value of a dependant variable. (This variable is often denoted... Learn more about this topic: Coefficient of Determination | Definition, Purpose & Formula from
Table 3shows the main statistical performance metrics associated with the selected model, i.e. (i) the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), that is the square root of the mean of the squared errors between the original sample prices and the values estimated through the model, (ii) the Mean Ab...
This time of year, chicken is the ultimate comfort food (I have just been on the phone to my brother, and this was a topic about which we discoursed at agreeable length). Reactions: LizKat and anika200 The-Real-Deal82 macrumors P6 Jan 17, 2013 17,554 25,810 Wales, United King...
Perceptions of system competence and communicative ability, termed partner models, play a signifcant role in speech interface interaction. Yet we do not know what the core dimensions of this concept are. Taking a psycholexical approach, our paper is the frst to identify the key dimensions that ...
The focus of this review written for the thematic “Mechanisms of function and regulation of large transport membrane channels” issue of the Journal is on the protective antigen (PA) component of anthrax exotoxin, or rather on its 63-kDa fragment (PA63), which oligomerizes to form a translo...
using modeling of the chromatic contrast between fish pattern and background under flickering illumination, we found that the spectral sensitivity of cones in a cichlid focal species is optimally tuned to maximize the visual contrast between fish pattern and background, instead of to produce a flicke...