The square root of AVE for each construct was greater than the correlation between the constructs; therefore demonstrating that the criterion for discriminant validity has been met. For the construct reliability (CR), we used the λ calculation advocated by Fornell and Larcker (1981). Each CR ...
Draw a square, and inscribe a quadrant (one quarter of a semi-circle) inside that square (a quadrant with radius equal to the side of the square, so it fills as much of the square as possible) Now throw a dart at the square, and record where it lands -- that is, choose a random...
The sum of the square of a positive number and the square of 5 more than the number is 277. What is the number? The sum of a positive number and twice its square is 11.88. What is the number? The sum of a number, its square and its ...
Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF), particularly from telecommunications sources, is one of the most common and fastest growing anthropogenic factors on the environment. In many countries, humans are protected from harmful RF EMF exposure by safety standards that are based on...
ws is used throughout the rest of the code in this tutorial. from azureml.core.workspace import Workspace ws = Workspace.from_config() Split the data into train and test sets Split the data into training and test sets by using the train_test_split function in the scikit-learn library. ...
Suppose, one of the number is {eq}x{/eq}, then the second number will be {eq}x+3{/eq}. As the sum of the square of both number {eq}89{/eq},...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a q...
2.5. Analysis of the dissolved oxygen budget in the bottom water The non-parametric Mann-Kendall (MK thereafter) trend test was applied to the time series to statistically assess if there is a monotonic upward or downward trend of a variable over time (Mann, 1945; Kendall, 1975; Gilbert, ...
See here: What is "dist-upgrade" and why does it upgrade more than "upgrade"? From In addition to performing the function of upgrade, this option also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; apt-get has a "smart" ...
{eq}\frac{dP}{dt} = kP {/eq} represents the growth rate of a population {eq}P {/eq}, where {eq}k {/eq} is a constant and {eq}t {/eq} is measured in years. If the population triples ev...
We first need to let the required number be a variable and define the other number in terms of the variable. Once this is done we have to solve a quadratic equation using the factorization method.Answer and Explanation: Let the number be x. 5 m...