We accept “proof of work” based on the assumption that there is no faster way to find a nonce which will give a new block a good enough hash value than brute-force search (currently requiring sextillions of guesses on average). But what if there were a hole in the crypto, a short...
The Moorish Science Temple of America was created in 1913, but not all MSTA are linked to sovereign citizens, according to the SPLC. According to the Moorish Science Temple of America’s website, the temple is a “divine and national movement” that teaches a...
SPLCSouthern Poverty Law Center SPLCStudent Press Law Center(nonprofit organization dedicated to providing legal help and information to the student media and journalism educators) SPLCSamsung Printer Language Color SPLCSoftware Product Line Conference ...
The SPLC says the number of recognized hate groups in the US began rising in 2009, when then-President Obama took office.It reached a peak of 1,018 in 2011and then began to decline as extremists moved "to the web and away from on-the-ground activities." Over the past few years, how...
LOL Everything he says he will do is not of a President’s power (which is none to begin with)… LOL So, although BroN makes good points, is Daffy Trump so deluded that he can be backed by the JEW and not know they are at the lead in attempts to render the people ‘gunless’!
Years ago I went to teach in an urban school in order to join black people in their quest for equality. I was naïve, unaware of my ignorance, and totally conscious of race. What I learned was to question: why always in black and white? Please look for
NBC Newsis reportingRudy Giulianiadvocated for an Iranian group that had been on the federal terrorism watchlistwhile serving as the personal attorney to the President of the United States. For about a decade Giuliani did work for the Iranian group, t...
In: SPLC (2004) About this Chapter Title What Information on Business Parameters Is Required by Embedded Software Developers to Do an Effective Job? Book Title Software Business Book Subtitle Third International Conference, ICSOB 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 18-20, 2012. Proceedings Pages ...
thoughts on the Netflix documentary film “What The Health.” I’ll be honest, I drug my feet in doing this as these postmortems tend to be fairly painful, but the requests for some commentary has reached a bit of a fever pitch, so, here it is, with my usual preambles and caveats....
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