The spine is the bony structure that rises up the middle of the back and encloses the spinal cord. In humans, the spine consists...
The lumbosacral spine is that section of the backbone which lies around the level of the lower back and hips. Within the spine, an individual bone is known as a vertebra, plural vertebrae. Vertebrae are generally divided into five different types and, from the top to the bottom of the spin...
The sacral spine, or sacrum, is the fused triangular bone at the base of the spine. It is located just below the lumbar region and just above the coccyx or tailbone, where it anchors the pelvis to the spine. The sacrum does not fuse together until early adulthood, and when it does, ...
This condition is often diagnosed with the aid of magnetic resonance imaging (), and treatment can range from exercises to strengthen back muscles and support the spine, to more serious interventions, including drugs and surgery. Untreated, it can lead to injury of the spinal cord and neurologica...
If you want to figure out the thickness of your book's spine, use our handy spine width calculator to determine the book spine width and the overall height and width of your book cover. The spine calculator is best to be used by a graphic artist, or authors with a good knowledge of ...
Spinal stenosis occurs when one or more bony openings (foramina) within the spine begin to narrow and reduce space for the nerves. This process can occur within the spinal canal (where the spinal cord runs down the center) and/or in the intervertebral foramina where spinal nerves exit the sp...
To understand spinal osteoarthritis, it helps to understand a bit about the anatomy of the spine, including the spine’s facet joints. It is the facet joints that are directly affected by osteoarthritis. The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. ...
Spine-leaf is meant for east-west traffic and doesn't use the STP protocol. Although STP has redundant paths between switches, only one can be activated at a time, which means paths can become oversubscribed. Not using STP minimizes latency and potential bottlenecks for the spine-leaf architect...
What Is Spinal Stenosis? You probably already have a rough idea of what a spine is. Your spine is your backbone, and it allows you to walk on two legs as it supports your upper body. “Stenosis,” on the other hand, is a medical term not well known outside of the health profession...
The term spine refers to bones, tendons, muscles, and other tissues that extend from the tailbone to the base of the skull which encloses the spinal cord and the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Spine is also referred to as the spinal column, vertebral column, or backbone....