Learn the bones and skeletal anatomy of the arm and hand. See the anatomy of arm bones and parts of the hand bones using labeled diagrams. Related to this Question What is the capitate bone? What is a sesamoid bone? What is the sphenoid bone?
What is the hardest bone in the body? What is the most proximal bone in the appendicular skeleton? What is the largest foramen in the appendicular skeleton? What is the smallest bone of the leg? What is the sphenoid bone? Which is bigger: the tibia or fibula? What is the long narrow ...
The palatine bone is a bone in the face that is found between the upper jawbone and the bone at the base of the skull. There are...
The occipital bone is one of the eight bones that make up the skull. It has an opening to let the brain stem connect to the spinal...
The skull consists of 23 flat bones and irregular bones. It is divided into 8 brain skulls and 15 facial skulls. Cerebral cranium consists of unpaired frontal bone, an ethmoid bone, a sphenoid bone, occipital bone and paired temporal bone and parietal bone. Facial skull can be divided into ...
The cranial fossa is a small depression or cavity in the cranium. There are three main types of cranial fossae are the anterior...
A sphenoid sinus is an air filled cavity that's in the middle of the skull, between the nose and eyes. Humans have two sphenoid...
What is the sphenoid bone? What is the lunate bone? What is a sesamoid bone? What type of bone are the carpals? What joins the skeletal muscle to the bone? What bones make up the hinge joint of the elbow? What is the hip bone connected to? What bones make up the appendicular skelet...
Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear, colorless fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord in the central nervous system. It is produced by two small glands known as the choroid plexuses. The cerebrospinal fluid is composed of about 95% water, 3% protein, 1% glucose, and ...
(SFEE-noyd SY-nus) Atype of paranasal sinus(a hollow space in the bones around the nose). There are two large sphenoid sinuses in the sphenoid bone, which is behind the nose between the eyes. The sphenoid sinuses are lined with cells that make mucus to keep the nose from drying out...