The commands are used tooptimize and manage the environment. This is referring to the server’s specifications and the players participating in a game. While some commands can be executed by all users, Minecraft op commands are reserved for operators. Operators can either be the owners of the ...
2 What is the problem with this command? 0 Minecraft Blockdata. Cannot Put A Specific Spawn Egg in A Chest (Minecraft 1.10.2) 0 My arrows aren't being executed at by a looping function/command block 1 How can I make a command have escape codes inside a command with escape codes...
LobbyAPI was created to manage multiple worlds and allow players to teleport to those worlds using user friendly menu, while being able to be fully configurable.Just by using the commands /lobby or /hub, the player has access to all worlds specified in the menu, where when they click on t...
I'd probably do a Minecraft and every season, send out a poll for 3 Legends. I generate those concepts like crazy so no big deal, for about 50 seasons... Anywho, this poll would determine which of 3 concepts the team should go for, what do people want next? Though ...
Where do I find Polar Bears in Minecraft Polar bears can be found in taiga, tundra, cold and frozen biomes. The chances of finding one are higher if the biome is snowy. Polar bears will also spawn in mountains if the altitude is high enough and if the mountain is close to a cold bio...
A “virtual particle”, generally, is a disturbance in a field that will never be found on its own, but instead is something that is caused by the presence of other particles, often of other fields. Analogy time (and a very close one mathematically); think about a child’s swing. ...
Minecraft is just a game. There are countless servers out there that host it in one form or another. Plugins, mods, modes, minigames, you name it. And yet, here we are. So tell me friends, what makes Empire Minecraft special to you? And please, while I rarely make this request, I...
Day of the week.The day of the week for a command to run, ranging from0-6. The value represents Sunday-Saturday. In some systems, the value 7 represents Sunday. Important!Be careful when scheduling cron jobs for different time zones, and make sure your configuration is correct. ...