Dopamine (DA) is an important neurotransmitter in the retina and mediates diverse functions including development, visual signaling, and refractive development. Inspired by the convergence of epidemiological and animal studies in support of the inverse relationship between outdoor activity and risk of ...
The autonomic nervous system of the body is composed of two branches, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is activated during times of stress and is known as the "fight or flight" response. The parasympa...
Concentration Gradients, Signaling Molecules & Inhibitors in Development from Chapter 15/ Lesson 10 13K A developing embryo has a complex regulatory system. Learn about Spemann's organizer, which is the source of a number of different proteins, learn about other parts of the embryo development proc...
Some people possess a form of COMT that doesn't efficiently clear away dopamine, and they respond more to placebos than people with efficient COMT do. That suggests this dopamine signaling may boost the placebo effect. RELATED STORIES —'Flow state' uncovered: We finally know what happens in ...
(DA) is a pleasure chemical that is released during pleasurable activities such as eating and sexual intercourse. In addition, it plays a significant role in motivation, working memory, decision-making, and other functions. Due to its diverse effects on human behavior, dopamine is one of the ...
4. The neurocircuitry of stressor-induced reinstatement 5. Methodological tools used to identify relevant neurocircuitry 6. Stress-associated neurocircuitry: evidence from Fos imaging 7. Utility and caveats of using Fos as a neuronal activity marker 8. Novel approaches in using Fos signaling 9. Summar...
The specificity of juxtacrine signaling is also highlighted by its role in synaptic signaling within the nervous system, where neurotransmitters are released and bind to receptors on adjacent neurons. This is in contrast to paracrine signaling, where the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine can af...
The worldwide prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been constantly increasing in the last decades. With rising life expectancy, a longer disease duration in PD patients is observed, further increasing the need and socioeconomic importance of adequate PD treatment. Today, PD is exclusively ...
Fluid normally exchanges freely between the plasma and interstitial space and is returned primarily via the lymphatic system. This balance can be disturbed by diseases and medications. In inflammatory disease states, such as sepsis, the return flow of fl I N T H I S E D I T I O N O F I S P A D M I N , I take a look at the use of embedded systems for ISPs and other networks. There are many embedded platforms and open source software applications available for those interested in deploying wireles...