Sample Rate 100ml/Min Net Weight 1kg MOQ 1 Product Description Medical Use Handheld ETCO2 &Anesthesia multigas monitor with rechargeable battery Monitoring CO2, N2O, ISO, ENF, SEV... Mainstream &sidestream optional. Product name Multigas analyser Model AMG100 Introduction This dev...
What is the maximum number of alleles that a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) can have?Genetic MutationsThe genetic code in cells contains the instructions on how to build that particular organism and keep it functioning correctly. Mutations in the genes, which happen at...
Eye colour, or more correctly iris colour, is often used as an example for teaching Mendelian genetics, with brown being dominant and blue being recessive. Colour blindness “Daltonism”, which affects 8% of the male population, is a leading example for teaching X-linked recessive disease (Fig...
The Brassicaceae (mustard family) have emerged as a model system for investigating the breakdown of SI. Key to the SI response is the recognition of self-pollen conferred by the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) protein expressed on the stigma (Stein et al., 1996) that has a matching protein...
The big news is this week is the shock decision of Suffolk Council not to renew the six-year contract of non-profit Suffolk Libraries. And I mean “shock”: the trust found out only 15 minutes before the public did and there was apparently no consultation with them or the many Friends ...
committed to improving its relationship with business. Businesses may view how the budget addresses the poundage rate as a test of that commitment, with companies having argued that the rate is putting Scotland at a competitive disadvantage to England and deterring investment into the Scottish economy...
However, such analyses have been generally been unsuccessful leading to speculation that the approach is technically and conceptually flawed [5], and even to whether there is any selective advantage to LOH events. Nonetheless, we previously used SNP mapping arrays to analyse LOH in ovarian carcinoma...
Government's reintroduction of minimum pricing legislation will have the practical effect of raising the price of the cheapest alcohol beyond pocket-money levels but, without changing the culture from the excessive to responsible drinking, there is every likelihood that the murder rate will continue ...
Despite the widespread diffusion of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (GT), it is still unclear whether people who learn about their genetic susceptibility to a clinical condition change their behaviors, and the psychological factors involved. The aim of the present study is to investigate long-ter...
There is a competitive situation between single-bridge and double-bridge aluminium dimer structures at the three different charge states. If we look at the eennttrhoaplpiciecso, rbroetchtiodnicsaatiroeninictraonddumceodn, doocautbiolen-ibcriAdlg2esshtorwucatuprreesfaerreenpcreeffeorrresdin. ...