Featuring much of the music from the incredible Chopin, what makes the series stand out amongst other musically driven anime is the fact that each performer seen throughout the series has their very own professional pianist. Playing the music of Chopin to perfection, Forest of Piano is a great...
Set during a seismic war in the Border Princes, this scenario pits a modest force led by Sir Cecil Gastonne the Wyrm Slayer, fighting tooth and nail against a colossal Khemrian host led by Settra the Imperishable – as the Duke of Brionne and Lady Élisse Duchaard ride out to save ...
The Covenant Setting - This is what Moses said to all of Israel in the Transjordanian wilderness, the arid rift valley opposite Suph, between Paran
🎥 The Fifth Element🎥 50 First Dates🎥 The Fog🎥 Get Him to the Greek🎥 The Grudge 2🎥 Hellboy🎥 The Host🎥 The Huntsman: Winter’s War🎥 Jack the Giant Slayer🎥 The Karate Kid (2010)🎥 Letters to Juliet🎥 Made in America🎥 The Next Karate Kid🎥 Ocean’s ...
Synopsis Song Shi came to an immortal world where demons and monsters were rampant. He thought he was going to take a trepidatious road to immortality, but ended
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) More like this >> Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader-- her goal is to "marry Christian Slater and die" and nothing gets in her way when it's time to shop. But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen...
InTransformers One, Orion Pax and D-16 are the best of friends on Cybertron. Joined by B-127 and Elita on a quest to find the Matrix of Leadership, they discover that Sentinel Prime's rule of Cybertron is built on lies and set out to expose their leader. ...
Deuteronomy 191. The cities of refuge4. The privilege thereof for the manslayer14. The landmark is not to be removed15. At least two witnesses are required16. the punishment of a false witnessEllicott's Commentary for English ReadersDeuteronomy 19:15-21. FALSE TESTIMONY. The law of retaliat...
In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Dragon series. Thank you to our audience for your incredible questions! View more resources on our website → Timestamps Did God Create Disorder? (2:29) What is God’s Relationship to the Darkne...
Padan Fain was not ta veren himself. He is like Slayer, where he is an interpretation of that ability, but even with Fain, the Pattern directed him in certain situations, like when Rand got stabbed by him. The exact same way Slayer was used by the Pattern. ...