So sun exposure is certainly one of the major contributors to skin discoloration, but far from the only one. Many forms of discoloration are something we were born with or are related to hormonal changes in our bodies. This can be darker or lighter areas too. What causes discoloration of th...
Of the most common skin conditions today isVitiligo. This is a condition that causes the skin to lose color in patches. These discolored areas usually get more significant with time, affecting any part of the body. The inside of your mouth isn’t spared from skin discoloration, and neither ...
Because the benefits persist only briefly, some people may not find it worthwhile. Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive procedure, whereas dermabrasion is a more abrasive procedure that penetrates deeper into the skin. With dermabrasion, the recovery period is typically longer, and usually only one...
What is vitiligo surgery? Vitiligo: The chronic skin disorder, vitiligo, causes the skin to lose their normal color. The white patches can be seen on the affected skin due to losing the skin color. It can affect any part of the body. ...
Also known as dermatillomania,excoriationis the repeated action of skin picking, which includes repetitive scratching, rubbing, digging, and touching of skin areas. Skin discoloration, scarring, and tissue damage may result from this concern. ...
What is the correct term for the medical specialty that deals with skin diseases? What are the medical terms for the four movements the patient is requested to do with his left arm and hand? Identify the following diseases or conditions from the diagnostic abbreviation: ASHD...
Psoriasisis a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by areas of thickened, inflamed, itchy, red skin, often covered with silvery scales. It is considered anautoimmunedisorder, in which the body'simmune systembecomes overactive and attacks itself, causing faster than normal skin cell turnov...
It can start innocently enough, with social drinking or using alcohol as a way to relax and unwind. However, over time, it can become a full-blown addiction that takes control of every aspect of a person’s life. One of the dangers of alcohol addiction is its ability to sneak up on ...
What is the correct term for the digestive disease or disorder described as an inflamed area with tissue destruction in the gastric mucosa? When the white blood cell count is depressed, the classic signs of infection such as redness, heat, and swell...
What is the first sign of hypoxia? The earliest signs of hypoxia are: Confusion Restlessness Shortness of breath The other signs and symptoms of hypoxia include: Bluish discoloration of skin, lips, and oral cavity Decreased level of consciousness Cough Fast heart rate Difficulty breathing Sl...