The financial market industry has transitioned away from using LIBOR; it is no longer an applicable rate, and variable-term loans were transitioned to other rates, such as the Euro Short-Term Rate in Europe or the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) in the U.S. Euro LIBOR vs. EURIBOR...
Although the comparison is clear,we’d like to address an important nuance.Most online resources describe qualitative and quantitative data in very specific terms. But the devil’s in the details. Let’s allow two of our experts to explain what this nuance is all about: “The terms qualitativ...
()输入两个整数M,N,求它俩的最大公约数。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m%, n%,t%,x% m = Val(InputBox("请输入第1个数m:")) n = Val(InputBox(“请输入第2个数n:”)) If m < n Then t = m: m = n: n = t For y = n To 1 Step -1 If Then Pri...