If an animal has been slaughtered in a way that is not in accordance with the Shariah, it is also regarded as mayta and dirty; its flesh cannot be eaten; for instance, when a person does not utter basmala deliberately while slaughtering the animal. However, if he forgets to utter basmala...
What seems clear though is that Trump has largely adhered to his non-inflationary growth strategies to aim for the “Golden Age of America”. It would not surprise us if the special 10% tariff on Canadian energy exports is finetuned or even scrapped, as gasoline prices are a key driver o...
The goal remains the same: improving the match between supply and demand within social lending. Removing barriers and improving equity of access (particularly for diverse communities), is at the heart of the change we wish to see in our next session exploring Shariah Compliant Lending. If you ...
However, there is a scenario where bond yields rise further, even if only temporarily. While today’s high yield creates a sizeable buffer before price losses outweigh the 12-month yield on offer, the main worry is that ‘something breaks’ because of much higher borrowing costs. Historically,...
ISLAMIC lawNONFICTIONHassanali, MuhammedLibrary journal.
product or service they provide. Every year, the Muslim population in Malaysia continues to expand. Because customers are confident that they may receive the safe Halal items needed by Shariah, the Halal mark displayed on a product or service label might persuade them to buy the product or ...
What is Riba? Ribâ is generally defined as Interest Semantically ribâ means an excess or an addition There are two types of Ribâ: Ribâ An-Nasia –Interest on lent money. Ultimately, the concept of Riba depends on the specific financial institution following Shariah. Some believe that ...
Built on XinFin XDC Network, an advanced blockchain, the project is also Shariah-compliant and certified by one of the renowned Shariah scholars group in the United Arab Emirates. Digital gold can be transformed into physical gold anytime, resolving the storage and transfer-related issues ...
which is banking and other financial services that adhere to the religion of Islam. This is known as prescribing to shariah law. There are certain tenets to shariah law that make Islamic banking vastly different from the traditional ways of banking; those that are commonly associated with the ...
A number of different financial securities are traded on Bursa Malaysia, including equities, bonds,derivatives,exchange-traded products(ETPs), and real estate investment trusts (REITs). There's also an Islamic market team that promotes Shariah-compliant capital markets to cater to the nation's Musli...