Learn the definition of catalase. Understand why is catalase important, as well what the function of catalase is. Discover where catalase is found in the cell. Related to this Question How do factors such as temperature and pH affects the rate of enzyme activity, such as that of catalase?
Veillonella is in the family of oral flora responsible for periodontal (gum) disease and tooth decay that affects so many people. Learn more, here.
A bacterium that bears flagella all over the surface is called: a. lophotrichous. b. cephalotrichous. c. peritrichous. d. amphitrichous. What bacteria have thick peptidoglycan cell walls? What type of bacteria are inhibited on ManConkey agar?
There are many different genera ofGram-positive bacteria, and they're generally distinguished by their shape: spherical (cocci) or rod-shaped (bacilli). Spherical bacteria include Staphylococcus, which causes staph skin infections, and Streptococcus, which can cause a variety of conditions including s...
Sarcinae; arrangement of cocci in a group of 8. Eg.Sarcina spp., Clostridium maximum, etc. Shapes and Arrangement of Bacteria b. Bacillishape bacteria They are rod-shaped bacteria. Based on the arrangement of cells they are also sub-grouped as; ...
What is the ability of a microorganism to produce a protein that disables an antibiotic or prevents transport of the antibiotic into the cell called? What is the shape of Cocci bacteria? What are the three types of bacteria? What type of bacteria is E. coli? Why is this type of bacteria...
Science Protein biosynthesis What is represented by the small dots found in each of the bacteria cells?Question:What is represented by the small dots found in each of the bacteria cells?BacteriaBacteria are described as microscopic, single-celled organisms that prosper in varied environmen...
of bacteria is not static. It is different for every species. Their size ranges from0.1 micrometer to 750 micrometer.Bacterial cells vary in shape and they have no definite structure.They can be coccus, bacilli, spirillum, stalked in shape. Cocci bacteria are further subdivided into spherical ...
The diverse morphological feature is seen among the members of Actinobacteria. They display different cellular arrangements and branching. In general, they are rod-shaped, about 0.5 to 2.5 μm (some are even up to 5 μm) in length. Some likeMicrococcusare cocci also. ...
Criteria, the plural form ofcriterion, means 'standards of rules.' This word has origins in the Greek language.Phenomena, the plural of the Greekphenomenon, is another example of plural usage. Her uppervertebrae were crushedin the accident. ...