The Supply Sergeant also has a Specialist assistant, which is often the first job to which a newly trained 92Y is assigned. The Army’s official description of the specialist assistant position is that he or she is an assistant to the Supply Sergeant, not an Assistant Supply Sergeant. In re...
For much of its history, the term “sodomy” has been used to denote non-procreative sexual acts, especially anal sex between men. This interpretation likely influenced the early legal definitions of the crime. For example, in the early Virginia colony, sodomy was only punishable if it involve...
Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period.” If Bob is correct that the primary causes for cancer are chemicals and radiation, then both of these factors can be greatly reduced through the food and lifestyle choices that you make....
Way back in the Garden of Eden, Satan set the standard for false doctrine, outlining in a single sentence the roots from which all heresies spring. It began with God issuing a prohibition to Adam and Eve regarding the fruit of one particular tree in the Garden of Eden. “And the LORD ...
There is no statute of limitations for murder. If a juvenilecommits first-degree murder,the individual will face trial as an adult in almost all states. First degree murder may lead to life imprisonment or execution in states that have the death penalty. ...
What Is So Grand about the West Virginia Grand Jury System - A Desperate Need for Reform after the Duke LaCrosse Rape ScandalIt is unfortunate that members of the Duke community, players and families are being judgedbefore all the art. II, § 8; see also State v. Vaughan, 117 SE 127,...
What does emancipation in a sentence? Emancipation is defined asbeing set free from something. When an era of censorship ends and ideas about political freedom can suddenly be shared, this is an example of emancipation. When the slaves were freed by Lincoln, this is an example of emancipation...
For forty years, they’ve held Dr. Richard Green responsible, the expert that Kirk’s mother saw on television. Getting to the bottom of who was really in charge of Kirk’s treatment is not as easy as one would expect. The Doctor’s Word. Rekers often defended his treatment of Kirk ...
rape. We need to look at it," then-Lt. Gov. Donald S. Beyer Jr. told reporters in 1993 after a grand jury returned an indictment of marital sexual assault, which carried a maximum 20-year prison sentence (instead of a potential life sentence that ...
My brain has retained the word “twerking” and I used it in a sentence. Which sucks. I have decided to discontinue the use of razor wire in wiping my nose, so the searing pain in my face has lessened. Which is nice. I am dangerously close to being out of toilet paper and may ser...